704-752-7575 - Charlotte - Monroe - Indian Land

In-Office CT Imaging

Sinus & Allergy Center

Sometimes a CT scan is necessary to identify obstruction, inflammation and infection within your nasal and sinus cavities. For patient convenience, we have in-office CT scanning capabilities.

Advantages Of Our Sinus CT Scanning Services:

  • IAC CT-accredited facility
  • Approximately 90% less radiation than a hospital CT scan
  • Less than half the cost of a hospital CT scan
  • All scans read by an independent radiologist (At no additional cost)
  • Because our scanner is in-house, you will never need to repeat a scan due to misunderstood orders
  • Convenient parking (Avoid parking decks)
  • Scans can usually be reviewed with you at the same visit
  • Covered by most insurance
In office ct scanner

When to see an ENT

Sinus problems can be frustrating because they are so common and can have multiple causes. If you have prolonged sinus symptoms lasting 12 weeks or longer, it is important to be examined by an ear, nose, and throat specialist to determine the best course of treatment.