704-752-7575 - Charlotte - Monroe - Indian Land

Can Hearing Aids Help Prevent Dementia?

Hearing aids can make a dramatic difference in the life of a person who has hearing loss. Improved hearing leads to improved communication and connection with the world. Now, a study published in the Journal of the America Medical Association (JAMA) Neurology shows that managing hearing loss with hearing aids may help reduce or prevent dementia.

This new research analyzed 31 previous studies, which included 137,484 participants. It was discovered that using hearing aids was associated with a 19% reduction in long-term cognitive decline.

“Previous studies have shown that hearing loss is a risk factor for dementia,” said doctor of audiology Katy Crisp, AuD, of CornerStone Ear Nose & Throat. “This is the first research to show that the use of hearing aids can actually impact the progression of cognitive decline.”

Start With A Hearing Test

You should not wait until you are a senior citizen to get your hearing checked. Ideally, adults should get a hearing test at least every 10 years until the age of 50, and then every three years after that. This makes it possible to intervene with hearing aids as soon as possible if you are experiencing significant hearing loss.

“Every day I see what a difference that hearing aids make in patient’s lives,” said Dr. Crisp. “Hearing aids allow people to talk on the phone again, or participate in group conversations. It can be life-changing. This new research that shows how the use of hearing aids can help prevent dementia is just one more reason for people to get there hearing tested and take action if necessary.”

CornerStone Ear, Nose & Throat offers comprehensive audiology services in Charlotte, Monroe and Indian Land. To schedule a hearing test with one of our doctors of audiology, call 704-752-7575.